Cleanser Start by cleansing skin with a gentle cleanser. If you’re wearing makeup, consider double cleansing or use a cleansing brush to really get all the makeup off. If you’re going to do a mask, be sure to do that right after cleansing.
Toner Toner helps deep clean your pores and restore the ph level of your skin. You’ll really notice the difference when you find the right toner for your skin.
Spot treatment If you’ve got any blemishes you’d like to treat or use a light veil of a product like the Clinique anti-aging, anti-acne serum now is the time to pat that evenly all over your skin. This will help treat and prevent more breakouts from the additional skincare.
Serum You may be on the fence about trying a serum, but once you see the incredible changes in your skin, you’ll be hooked! Apply your serum now. Usually, just a few drops will be enough for your face and neck.
Eye cream Pat your eye cream around your underage area and around and up under the eyebrow. Consider using a different eye cream for day and night, based on what your skin needs.
Moisturizer Time to moisturize! Use a moisturizer that meets your skin’s needs, such as a gel-based moisturizer for oily or acne-prone skin, or a rich moisturizer for dry skin. In the morning, you can use a morning moisturizer with hyaluronic acid to plump or one with SPF to skip step 8.
Oil If your moisturizer doesn’t have SPF and if you need an additional skin oil for increased moisture, pat your skin oil all over on top of the skincare products you just applied so that they can really skin in.
SPF Always, wear SPF! Day or night, summer or winter, your skin can be damaged from the sun. Pat your moisturizer on top of your oil, unless it was in your day moisturizer cream.
30 Jan 2021So useful post!